Cerebral Palsy Definition
Cerebral Palsy is a disorder of the brain that cause physical disability ( see about cerebral pasy in wiki ). This is a disorder of "non-progressive", which means that patients with cebral palsy would not continue to deteriorate throughout their lifetime. But people who suffer from Cerebral palsy usually will experience the following: patients with cerebral palsy can affect movement, hearing, seeing, learning, intelligence and thought Impairment. When the brain is seriously injured, permanently damage usually occurs. Head trauma can occur in various ways, affecting people who suffered head injuries. And while all the head injury and brain damage produced tragic, when the brain damage that occurs in infants destroyed.The exact cause of cerebral palsy, namely: - Internal bleeding brain - Serious head injuries - Infections of the brain - a medical treatment that is too often - Abnormal muscle weakness and other movement - Causes of cerebral palsy clinical seizures are those associated with damage to the cerebral cortex and pyramidal tract appropriate. Most people with cerebral palsy have one or more of the following disability-related and symptoms: learning disabilities and intellectual impairment (although generally those with cerebral palsy diskinetic less affected compared with spastic cerebral palsy), epilepsy occurs in approximately one third of all cases, a third of all cases had visual problems of varying degrees of severity; hearing disabilities affect 10% of those with cerebral palsy;
Symptoms of Cerebral Palsy
Without using clinical terms, it is difficult to explain the symptoms of cerebral palsy. Determined by the location of brain damage, there are some important types of cerebral palsy. I.e.Ataxic. In the form of cerebral palsy, the cerebellum is the site of damage. Symptoms include lack of coordination and lack of balance. A vibration appears intent on active movement.
Seizures. Damage to the cereberal cortex and pyramidal tract accordingly. Symptoms and motor problems including lack of movement, increased resistance to passive movement, muscle spasms, clonuses (rapid contraction and relaxation of muscles), tendon reflexes and absence of exaggeration in muscle changes associated with changes in attitudes, for example, moving from supine to sitting position.
Diskinetic. It is associated with damage to the basal ganglia and the extrapyramidal area, so there is disorder in motor coordination affect overall body. That cause athetosis, which is irregular writhing movements, exaggerated by the active movement and disappeared or decreased during sleep. Overall, dystonia refers to the attitude of no purpose, the application of strange, in the extremity of the body. Hypotonia refers to a lack of or decrease in muscle tone coupled with the lack of resistance to passive movement.
In most cases, the real conditions together, as one of these situations can increase the likelihood of another. For example, an estimated half of the children who have cerbral palsy were born preterm. Because the organs of premature children are not fully formed, they are more prone to suffer from hypoxic injury to the brain causing the contribution of cerbral palsy.
Recently, researchers have claimed that the main cause of cerebral palsy in children most likely an infection in the mother. Studies show that infection can be three possible children develop cerebral palsy because of cytokines, which are produced as a response to infection in the mother, can be toxic to the fetal brain.
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