What Is Athetoid Cerebral Palsy?

Posted : Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Understanding Athetoid Cerebral Palsy, it is important to you, especially for you, or someone who has been diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy Athetoid. Do you know the symptoms and treatment of what can be done for patients with this disease? Read the article that I took from a few sources below. Cerebral palsy Athetoid sometimes referred to as "dyskinetic" and the symptoms usually refers to the child is before a year old. If your child has this condition, will be distinguished for you to learn as feasible as possible about it. Type of cerebral palsy affects about ten to twenty percent of all patients with cerebral palsy.

To understand how type affects your child's cerebral palsy needs to reflect on things like this is actually a combination of muscle tone that is too high and too embarrassing. Sometimes strict and rigid, and other times too loose and age. Physical therapy can wait on the child learn to control it as big as possible and tone the muscles so they are more balanced.

Basically, the whole body are affected by athetoid cerebral palsy. This occurs when the cerebellum or basal ganglia have some kind afflict. This is part of the brain that controls movement of people as well as body posture, coordination and movement unexcited. This is different from spastic cerebral palsy in disorders characterized by muscle movement. Children will not have stability. There are some important things to impress on children with athetoid cerebral palsy. First, they are usually more luminous than the average normal child. However, children with athetoid cerebral palsy would have difficulty holding a toothbrush or a pen or even scratching his nose. He had to concentrate extra hard on muscle coordination in order to try to build muscle obey His commandments.

One of the most salient points to treat children with cerebral palsy Athetoid is to help them move their control center. This is known to start physical exercises as early as possible to the benefit of the child to learn to control their muscles and prevent muscles from becoming weak or stiff.

Drooling is one of the symptoms, and the face will change shape and winced as the child has no control over how the muscles around the face faded. They are sometimes said to have the appearance of a dancer since the muscles in his arms and legs will disappear in control. However, this movement is a fake because the muscles are not really bearing weight grand children for him to stand. Bend your knees into the frequent, making it difficult to sit or put accurate.

Children with cerebral palsy athetiod will become frustrated because his intelligence tells him to do things one procedure but his body would not cooperate. When high levels of stress, he could do worse symptoms. Other fragments of the treatment is to learn to manage stress as possible. The only time the symptoms will disappear entirely when the child is sleeping.


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