Environmental Health

Posted : Saturday, June 5, 2010

Environmental Health Perspectives

To assess the environmental health situation and the measures taken to create a healthy environment has been selected four indicators, namely the percentage of families who have access to clean water, a healthy percentage of home, family ownership to basic sanitation, Public Places and Food Processing. Because by definition according to wikipedia Environmental health is a part of public health concerned with all aspects of the natural and built environment that can affect human health.

Several attempts to minimize the risk of decline in environmental quality should be implemented by various agencies, such as the construction of basic sanitation, monitoring and environment management, measurement and control of environmental quality.

Construction of basic sanitation for communities that are directly related to health problems including the provision of clean water, latrines healthy, healthy housing, drinking water quality monitoring, monitoring of hospital sanitation, sanitation supervision and monitoring of public places (hotels, Terminal), food processing locations , where the processing of pesticides and so forth.

In monitoring the implementation of environmental health programs can be seen some indicators of environmental health as follows:

1. Clean Water Use

Provision of clean water is absolutely necessary for the achievement of the purpose of healthy living.

2. Healthy home

For most people, home is a gathering place for all members of the family and spent most of his time, so that the health condition of the housing may act as a medium of disease transmission among family members or neighbors.

From existing data, the program of socialization of the community to build healthy homes need to continue to do so to prevent the development of disease vectors can be reduced, so too the causes of other diseases around the house.

3. Families With Basic Sanitation Facilities Ownership.

Families with ownership of basic sanitation facilities including water supply, latrine ownership of the family, trash and waste water management, this whole family is very important in improving environmental health.

4. Public Places and Food Processing

Food, including beverages, is a basic requirement and a major source for human life, but food that is not managed well it will be a very effective medium of disease transmission in the digestive tract (Food Borne Diseases). The occurrence of acute poisoning and the spread of disease which often leads to death many sourced from food derived from food processing, especially the catering service, restaurant and snack foods that their management does not meet health requirements or environmental sanitation.

So that efforts supervision of food sanitation is very important to maintain the health of consumers or society


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